User-friendly Consumer Electronics
Overview: As part of my independent study through MUSER, I work with Dr. Bletsch on hands-on projects related to hardware design. This type of learning was what I could not have gotten outside of my engineering class. My first project was on reverse engineering the Andrew Alliance Pipet Robot for Dr. Xiling Shen's lab. I currently am working on a device that would allow for gesture control for home automation.
GCS relation: In engineering the tools of scientific discovery, it is vital to understand how the technology and tools I create will interface with the user. This interdisciplinary experience taught me about user-centered design and thinking. I often find myself asking "would someone use this?" or "would this be a vital feature to include?".
Supervisor: Dr. Tyler Bletsch
Duration: August 2021 - Present
Total Hours of Completion to date: 150 hrs